Fifty Shades of Gender podcast graphic without image (episode taken down)

45. … – trans-androgynous, genderqueer, non-binary, abinary, maverique, bi/pan oriented aroace, multiply disabled

Jay uses the gender labels transandrogynous, genderqueer, nonbinary, abinary and maverique, as well as bi/pan oriented aroace and multiply disabled. what the label ‘queer’ can encompass, different types of attraction and how they can be experienced, love languages, anarchy and feminism, sovereignty versus autonomy, the issues with gender terminology in different languages, and feeling safe when you’re part of the minority of the minority. [Transcript coming soon.]

Fifty Shades of Gender podcast graphic with Tara Dax

44. TARA DAX – non-binary

Tara identifies as non-binary. As well as geeking out on Star Trek and conlangs (constructed languages), we dive deeper into masculine and feminine. We also talk about finding resonance in pronouns, meaning in a name and connection in a character, and debunking certain gender arguments people assume are rooted in biology. [Transcript coming soon.]